Liebster award

Thanks to Ayesha siddiqui for nominating me for Liebster Award, it is my third liebster award but it really means a lot to me. Thanks Ayesha. Whoever wants to learn digital marketing can contact her on her blog Bloggingfilter. She is really well focused to her goals and a lot helping. She also found out... Continue Reading →

Sunshine Blogger Award

I have been nominated by Daneelyunus for Sunshine Blogger Award. He is the most versatile blogger I've ever seen. I'm thankful to sir for nominating me this amazing award and all my followers who support my writing. Well, this is my second Sunshine Blogger Award. You all should take a look at his blogs Continue Reading →

दोस्ती के बिखरे पल

ये गीत उनके लिए जो भागती दौडती ज़िन्दगी में कहीं दूर निकल जाते हैं, याद तो होते है पर दिक्कत इस बात की होती है कि अक्सर बस यादों में ही रह जाते हैंजरा करीब तो आओजरा.... करीब तो आओजरा बैठो, कुछ सुनाओकहाँ चल दिए, कहाँ है जानाथोडा बैठो तो,कुछ तो सुनानाकुछ हाल दिल के... Continue Reading →

Firstly sorry for being this late, had completely forgot about this one. J had nominated me for this award atleast a weak ago. So without being late I want to introduce you to J. She is really a nice blogger and I admire her work so much. If you don't believe and want to know... Continue Reading →

My first Sunshine Blogger Award

The beautiful rays of The Sunshine Blogger Award hits finally. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much Shreya for nominating me it was my first such kind of award. You are really amazingly wonderfully experimenting with your poetries through emotions. Hey guys if you have heard about her previously, it's not a... Continue Reading →

Thanks you everyone

Recently I noticed that my blog has reached 300 followers !!🥳 like seriously when I had started it in 2018, I hadn't expected that I would take it this far. It's been quite a great journey. I had switched off some notifications so couldn't share the screenshot. So thanking everyone in this journey, for supporting... Continue Reading →


I was just thinking how many of things we get our phone stuffed with. Is it memory or an attachment. Well I don't know. It's been a long debate if technology is good or bad, remembering those essays I used to practice for exams. It's all up-to our use. The limit or in hindi we... Continue Reading →

What after lockdown!!

Recently,In India, one of the news article claimed about 12 crore people getting unemployed cause of this pandemic, just within a month.Certainly I guess there will be new challenges, isn't it possible that people who were payed more before this situation, would get paid lesser.There will be good signs too, people will be more aware... Continue Reading →

Develop your success story

Featured image by Jeshoots This post is just a reminder to everyone including me. If we want to do major things, we got to focus on the minor things first. -unknown Developing our own success story is must, for our success. If we see Ramayana, the story connects to us that's why people see it.... Continue Reading →

क्या धन ही है आधार जगत का?

क्या धन ही है आधार जगत का? या कोई अब नहीं रहा श्रवण सा! क्या नही है कोई हाथ मदद का? या करते है सब स्वार्थ रमण का! क्या दोष ही है अब बचा धरा पर? या होता नहीं कही काम पुण्य का! क्या करता नहीं कोई धर्म की रक्षा? या माँगता हर कोई भूख... Continue Reading →

Leiebster award, second time.

Hello everyone! Myself. Rishabh Kumar. Really, It seems a lot motivating when you get appreciated anyway, anyhow. I am so thankful of you all to join this journey and guide with your words. Today it's my second time, that I got nominated for this award by a wonderful persona Neha Nandwana ji. She is really... Continue Reading →

यूँहीं ख़याल हैं #quote

यूँही उडने के ख़याल हैं, जहाज छोटी है तो क्या? सुना है ना! हौसलों से ही उडान है। यूँ तो चलने पर भी सवाल हैं, पर क्या हुआ? घबराना नहीं, मंजिल तेरा, ये सारा आसमान हैं। THE SKY IS LIMIT, YET NIGHT AT DOOR? YOU CAN DO IT ONLY, IF YOU CRAVE FOR MORE. Hey... Continue Reading →

You did? #NaPoWriMo

It starts with a quench, and turns into wrench. The sky, the tide, the blue and the highs. Won't it matter to hollow? rather living in solo. The sour, the sweets, the bitter ,the wits. You can be what you want, but not so to scar. You can hide if you need, it's not everyone's... Continue Reading →

Why is the

Some rhymes. Depression does not look like you staying in bed all day, Depression can look like you doing everything you normally do,carrying around a constant feeling of emptiness and the urge to escape from the word, even just for a minute, because it feels too much. Why waste time being sad, when you can... Continue Reading →

Vincent Ehindero Award. 

I was nominated for my first Vincent Ehindero Award by Shreya. At first I thought I should not continue it, as the world is at big crisis and it would be like celebrating, ok its just my thoughts and it's good to go with what we got. So, a big thank you to her for... Continue Reading →

Leibster Award

Dear Shreya, my friend thank you for always admiring my words and over that nominating me for my first WordPress Writing Award "Liebster", Well as for now as much as i see this award is just a way to promote blogging and appreciate every writer. You are really a true friend, so versatile and emotional... Continue Reading →

Reviving Nature in Quarantines

Be back baboon! Behave, beget boon. Bestow bow, briars. Becoming below broom. Bet bit by beats, Bite Banana, berries. Buy basket, brace back. Begone bandage, beasts. Blubber begone, blight? Blabbers bleat behind. Byon beseecher backings. Boy board blanking. Belongings belonged buoyed. Bopeep basin, berimes. Beauty brought betters. Brine beloved bears. -Rishabh kumar Thank you Shreya... Continue Reading →

Quarantine : Not a joke

People are risking their lifes for our safety, they are all requesting us to stay inside, don't panic, follow the safety rules. Some would say it isnt much, don't make a buzz of everthing. We know everything, don't mind we keep ourselves safe, we do follow these rules. I guess they are right, who are... Continue Reading →

Quarantine Poem

Well in this situation of Quarantines, we all have all leisure that we ever wanted, but we feel like trapped, don't we! So this quarantine poem goes like this: Well, we all do know, it's really well tight. Nothing much to do, full days and night. Days deviating, and nights with heights. With hope that... Continue Reading →

Nature’s halt

Out of words, Full of views. The day that passed, in last some few. Isn't that a act of keeping balance! Mind not me, just see the news. First the forests, then the world. Isn't it the time, to give back pearls. Quarantine, was it really needed, To stop, think and incase truths! Flouting was... Continue Reading →

Should we not be worried!!

Recently, past few days made all of us realise where we are standing over the surface. It wasn't like we didn't know the consequences, we did. We had a glimpse in our mind about what could possibly happen. Many things came to our mind, like does it matter, why just me, what changes will I... Continue Reading →

Creator, are you?

Either you create or be just a part of someone's creation.You haven't got any other options. What are you gonna do now? Well you got two options. Either be in isolation or explore yourself. Yes, you don't have to search much of it outside. It is within, hidden, just for the right time. It's upto... Continue Reading →

Corona : Act of God

Isn't it obvious? Isn't it the way of God to guide us back to the roots of nature, to show us that not only us, but also all creatures, all over the globe, got same rights to use the means provided by Him. I guess so. We were told over and over by the communities... Continue Reading →

मिलते हैं #rk

सुनो, कैसे हो!! अच्छे हो ना? कई दिन हुए मिले, भूले तो नही! खैर होता है, होता है अक्सर ऐसा। नये चेहरे सामने आने पर, कुछ चेहरे अक्सर धुंधले पडने लग जाते हैं। फिर भी, कुछ रिश्ते होते हैं, कुछ रिश्ते होते हैं, जो ना तो कभी दिल से दूर होते हैं, ना ही उतने... Continue Reading →

live your life

When your mind understands what you were doing and what you must do,change happens and that's what makes change. It's a sign. You're improving. You're ready for change. You know what is right. You start believing in yourself and that boosts your positivity. - Rishabh kumar @myjoopress ✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️ #myjoopress #thoughts #inspiration #life #lesson #today #memory... Continue Reading →

listen when #rk 132

Listen when someone says, not when you need them. Don't you see the consequences: Either they get to know about your perceptions. or You get to know from them about you. Isn't that good? Giviving emotions to someone,you don't know... just with the sense of trust, is the bravest thing to do, i see. World... Continue Reading →

Is this journey dilemma? #rk 131

A tea,usually each story always has a beginning,a middle and the last dramatic ending.I was holding a cup of tea in my hand,talking with my friends about how the life was going.As always... yeah i always start conversations this way.They say like it is just happening,searching a job,looking for adventure and blah,blah,blahhh..... Even my story... Continue Reading →

Friendship in social shadows #rk 62

I don't get it... why the nature of people got to change when they are with friends of opposite sex, may be its human nature, both get their behavior changed when they are with that friend and after that they come back from this fake reality, it's been a good technique to feel special among... Continue Reading →

What to expect: advices. #rk 129

You see, it's not really easy to treat someone that close to us ,as just friend. Helping someone ,we realise why someone feels so bad if he/she don't ask us, to be un intrested about us. Cause that one was really something for us. And not getting attention in return in right,may be we think... Continue Reading →

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