Movies that reconnects you to life

These days I watched a lot of movies. To understand what means for me and what not. Sometimes I guess, we are really entangled in our thoughts that we don't see what is going to be the next step of our journey and where we are actually leading. Are we ready to leave something behind... Continue Reading →

woman, rolled her part

Like a mate, pondered fate. Keeping an eye, rolled her part. But never knew, was just for us. To defend the harsh of outer wards. Like a friend always cared. Threatening voices rolled her part. But never knew, was making mistakes. Disheartened mostly with believe unbarred. Like a firefly, wandered sky. diminishing hearts rolled her... Continue Reading →

Morning after morning.

Morning after morning, Learning new warning. Women lie, don't they! it's a. really pretty mourning. Misunderstood isn't she! Isn't she a human! Prejudging priceless. She's making weapon! Trying hard, So what! Searching truth, So what! Stubborn, She is always. Fighting with a bound cage. Victory is a myth, trying to be dauntless. Isn't she priceless!... Continue Reading →

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