Awesome blogger award

Thank you so much for nominating me for Awesome Blogger Award.

Check out the link mentioned above to know more about her posts. She is a good blogger who captures all interesting facts for you and tells everything with the motive”How can you stay at home”. So don’t forget to read it….

Rules :-

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Tag the post with #awesomebloggeraward.
  3. Answer the questions you were asked.
  4. Nominate at least five bloggers and inform them about the nomination.
  5. Give them ten questions.

Nabeela’s questions :-

1.Why did you started blogging?

To let out what was within.

2.Who is your role model?

role model is all those i trust and admire their work, so yes, all bloggers are my inspiration and role model.

3.Have you had a mental breakdown in your life?

Yes, I did.

4.What’s something you want to learn?

flying, if I could.

5.What’s first, the egg or the chicken?

None, actually every living being came from a cell first.

6.Where is your dream destination?

Ok, as in place I would like to go Andeez.

7.What is the goal with your blog?

just writing and letting out to the world.

8.Any projects you are working on?

None, just trying to improve myself.

9.Coffee or tea and why?

Depends on occasion.

10.What’s you’re number one tip for a writers block?

Write daily, doesn’t matter what.. there are people who are just letting out as its a diary for them, but yes, content matters. What can you give to the world?

So now, my nominees are:


samay sakshi

Anushka’s pillow thoughts

Shreya’s WildHeart blog


Neha nandwana di

Sheree’s view from the back

Random ramblings by Shweta suresh


miss curious

Shweta kher

Nistha Shukla


Kumar parma, the hindi mail

Mehak lovely, love stories

Garima, be inspired

Dr. Perry

Rekha sahay mam

the alchemist pottery

madhusudan sir

Nominating these I am pretty sure, if you have read or will read these blogs even once, you won’t be able to stop yourself to follow them. I don’t know want all of them to carry this award forward, just want to introduce them to you all. They are actually awesome bloggers and it will be my honor if they do and any reader reading it is welcome to get nominated by me.

And my questions to you all

  1. What were the challenges before you started blogging?
  2. What kind of motive your blog has now?
  3. Any tips for us, your fellow bloggers?
  4. What’s something that you want to learn?
  5. What kind of books or blogs you read?
  6. Any mistake that you remember from your past?
  7. How does it feel when you get likes or comments from bloggers?
  8. If you had a chance to do something that doesn’t bound you at all, what would you like to do?
  9. Some of your favorite persons from your real or virtual life.
  10. Any memorable event in your life.

Thank you so much for reading my blogs so far.

Happy blogging.❣️🙏❣️🌷🌱🌼🌱

You can also join myjoopress at Facebook Twitter Instagram

42 thoughts on “Awesome blogger award

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  1. Another well deservedaward :’) I like how your answer to the egg/chicken question. That’s genius. Best I’ve ever heard.
    Although doesn’t that make the egg first? (The egg is the very first cell of the chicken.)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Anya ji, well If I think, egg or hen that’s been a long debate… like one of favorite childhood teasing question. But cells can be made up-to anything, either egg or hen, I guess through evolution.
      And yes, I nominate you too with this award let us see, what answers you have there. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I’ll agree with you on that one. However, your answer has given me an explanation as to what I think came first so I owe that knowledge to you xD
        Thank you very much, sir but I don’t do awards. Through experience from the previous time I blogged, I get rather lazy when I decide to do nominations and don’t have the willpower to tell myself to be creative and write another post for my weekly. I hope you understand why I’m super grateful for you nominating me and my site but will not be putting up a post.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. very well, Anya ji. I can understand that, and totally respect that too, I already mentioned that I don’t want everyone to carry it forward… it’s up-to their choice. these days many bloggers came to get recognized as they never did before these quarantines, it’s just impact of that. you are really nice to tell me that too. so being creative 🌷💭amazingly right.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. True, it’s a nice thing to get appreciation for what you do. I agree 100% with you 🙂 These awards really do make things that much more interesting and even though I don’t continue the thread I do honestly feel grateful for receiving some of the awards because it’s not about the awards as such but it’s knowing your work has been remembered.
            It’s a beautiful concept.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. so true, I’m so humbled with your words and agree with you too, it’s more like your work being remembered and recognized by people. 👌keep blogging.💭🌱


  2. Congratulations on your award 💕 💕 lovely answers 💐 and thanks alot for the nomination and consideration 💐 means a lot brother 💐 stay blessed 💐 💐


  3. Congratulations Rishabh 🤗💕✨
    Amazing answers 😊
    I loved that egg and chicken part 😉
    And thank you so much for the nomination Rishabh 🤗💙
    I’ll do it soon…!!
    Great questions bdw… 😅


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