
बात भी नहीं होती हैंफिर भी कोशिश करते हैंबात करने की याद भी नहीं होती हैफिर भी कोशिश करते हैंयाद होने की दिखावेहम यूँ ही नहीं करतेकरने पड़ जाते हैं साथछूटेगा कहीं, ये सोचने से पहलेशायद हम ही छूट जाते हैं कहीं। -ऋषभ कुमार

Movies that reconnects you to life

These days I watched a lot of movies. To understand what means for me and what not. Sometimes I guess, we are really entangled in our thoughts that we don't see what is going to be the next step of our journey and where we are actually leading. Are we ready to leave something behind... Continue Reading →

From me

Hey buddy, how are you? You seem sad, what happened to you? Couldn't see, in last few years. Had assumed, prodigious you were. Did something wrong, you gone through. Hey buddy, how are you? Well, you could talk. I was there. Don't be just mock, now tell me dear. You can let out what troubles... Continue Reading →

Develop your success story

Featured image by Jeshoots This post is just a reminder to everyone including me. If we want to do major things, we got to focus on the minor things first. -unknown Developing our own success story is must, for our success. If we see Ramayana, the story connects to us that's why people see it.... Continue Reading →

Nature’s halt

Out of words, Full of views. The day that passed, in last some few. Isn't that a act of keeping balance! Mind not me, just see the news. First the forests, then the world. Isn't it the time, to give back pearls. Quarantine, was it really needed, To stop, think and incase truths! Flouting was... Continue Reading →

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