
बात भी नहीं होती हैंफिर भी कोशिश करते हैंबात करने की याद भी नहीं होती हैफिर भी कोशिश करते हैंयाद होने की दिखावेहम यूँ ही नहीं करतेकरने पड़ जाते हैं साथछूटेगा कहीं, ये सोचने से पहलेशायद हम ही छूट जाते हैं कहीं। -ऋषभ कुमार

inner conflicts

No excuseshttps://youtu.be/wnHW6o8WMasHey you clumsy, eagerly wild.Aren't you new? Untrained, unhired!What's your matter, why don't you run!Don't you see, it's not your turn.You will be broke, you will be torn.See your legs, already shivered.Ha ha ha, you are now lame.You can't win me.You are not brave.Brave! Brave!Am i not that?Who are you mister! who gave you... Continue Reading →

From me

Hey buddy, how are you? You seem sad, what happened to you? Couldn't see, in last few years. Had assumed, prodigious you were. Did something wrong, you gone through. Hey buddy, how are you? Well, you could talk. I was there. Don't be just mock, now tell me dear. You can let out what troubles... Continue Reading →

scrupled bliss

poem is about uncertainties or hesitation of minds. In life, I guess all of us had many hesitations so far, like as talking to someone, or doubts on self or people, but should it stop us, I wish not.

आँसू बह जाने दो

आँसू बह जाने दो कि किसकी ख़ातिर इन्हें रोका है? क्या कसूर हैं इनका? क्यों हँसकर किया धोखा है? बात क्या है, इन्हें बताओ। क्या है गम, इन्हें समझाओ। क्यूँ हो करते ज़ुल्म तुम इनपे आख़िर, इनकी क्या खता है? खुद में खोए रहते हो। सबकी क्यों तुम सुनते हो। बात गर उल्टी लगती ये,... Continue Reading →

What matters.

No matter how many faces cried cause of you till now.No Matter if no one understood you, took stand beside you.No matter if you got no one to share your feelings, with that trust again.If you are ready now to let yourself free, that does matter.It matters, if you forget your issues with your past... Continue Reading →

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