Stop consuming everything

As the day starts, what's the first thing that you do? Well, I hadn't thought much earlier. But found that before going to sleep and after I wake up, the first thing I did was using my mobile. Mostly I guess, it's been a habit of all whoever is bored of this extra corona time... Continue Reading →

Used to have enthusiasm. But shortly don't have. Meet someone, but to whom should've. Go around but where? Call someone, who cares? When the peace of mind Drained, right? Drained up like dried. The hope disguise. As lacking some things, To revive. The problems or dares, Are yet to assimilate. The kind of life we... Continue Reading →

रास्ते मंजिल और जाने क्या

रास्ते मंजिल और जाने क्या छोड़ आए हैं हम न जाने कहाँ है वास्ता खुदी से ना किसी से यारी चल रहे हैं हम हो दुखी संसारी है पता कि गम है बाँटते नहीं हैं खुद में हो परेशान वजह जाँचते नहीं हैं क्षण भर की छाँव को समझते अपनी चादर गागर भर की चाह... Continue Reading →

कुछ रास्ते ऐसे

कुछ रास्ते ऐसे कहीं दूर के लगते थे, कुछ किरणों में सिमटकर बस यूँहीं हासिल हुएं। कुछ मंजिलें वैसे कहीं ख्वाब से लगते थे, कुछ कंकडों में मिलकर नजदीक मालूम हुएं। कुछ तारे ऐसे टिमटिमाते थे हमेशा, कहीं दूर कुछ बातें, किया करते तो थे। कुछ रातें सुबह तक, ढल जाया करती थी, फिर बाते... Continue Reading →

A world without human

Well I'm a human, and so we all are. Are you not? Well, who am I kidding! If you can read and understand what I've written you are. We, human have evolved through our discovereries, needs and their relevant invention. We think, we feel, we can do many things. We can control the uncontrollables too... Continue Reading →

What after lockdown!!

Recently,In India, one of the news article claimed about 12 crore people getting unemployed cause of this pandemic, just within a month.Certainly I guess there will be new challenges, isn't it possible that people who were payed more before this situation, would get paid lesser.There will be good signs too, people will be more aware... Continue Reading →

may be

A few exaggerates. Sorry, if making mistake. Some said it was necessary, to remain inside gates. For majors it was framing, for girls to decrepitate. But was it really essential, to divide in such frames. Domicile can be cheery, days can shine. They could shake it long. could make things lustrous, without holding mind. Did... Continue Reading →

क्या धन ही है आधार जगत का?

क्या धन ही है आधार जगत का? या कोई अब नहीं रहा श्रवण सा! क्या नही है कोई हाथ मदद का? या करते है सब स्वार्थ रमण का! क्या दोष ही है अब बचा धरा पर? या होता नहीं कही काम पुण्य का! क्या करता नहीं कोई धर्म की रक्षा? या माँगता हर कोई भूख... Continue Reading →

Memories bestowed

I know we started to carry all pebbles. Yes, we had to go out in the woods, but had got stuck with this solace. Mind not me, just see some news. So what did happen, can't bare it now? It's good for us, can't do little vow? It gave us views in deluded surround. To... Continue Reading →


You are my honey bee honey bee you're my destiny my destiny Oooo Oooo Oooo Aren't you gonna sparkle sparkle baby please just sparkle sparkle you know you're my heart my heart please just sparkle sparkle Mmm Mmm Mmmmmm It's really so beautiful, How we had been this long It's really been something else you... Continue Reading →

Quarantine Poem

Well in this situation of Quarantines, we all have all leisure that we ever wanted, but we feel like trapped, don't we! So this quarantine poem goes like this: Well, we all do know, it's really well tight. Nothing much to do, full days and night. Days deviating, and nights with heights. With hope that... Continue Reading →

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