
बहम मेरेखुद पे थेबात बयाँहुए लब से सवाल मेरे,खुद से थेजानने जितनाहुए जब से करम मेरेखुद के थेकाम क्याहुए सब से जवाब मेरेखुद में थेखुद खुद्दारहुए तब से -ऋषभ कुमार@myjoopress#poem #कविता https://myjoopress.wordpress.com/

Don’t die

You won't die trying. You can die living the life you hate. May you guys have heard this quote earlier or felt its depth. It's not just life. It's not just days. ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ It isn't all the lies. It isn't all the ways. ❣ ❣... Continue Reading →

कोई यह नहीं समझता

कि आपको इस वक्त क्या चाहिए क्या आपको किसी अपने का साथ चाहिए क्या आपको खुद का आत्मविश्वास चाहिए कोई ये नहीं समझ सकता सिवाये आपके कि आपको इस वक्त क्या चाहिए आपको इस गुजरते पल का एहसास चाहिए आपको अपने धड़कन की आवाज चाहिए जिंदगी जिंदा बची है अभी आपमें जीने की वजह, हाँ... Continue Reading →

Lanterns guided me…

In the nights of alone, At the darkness at home, I searched for a light that could show what's my own. With all emptiness within, With my ever loosing keen, I looked for a voice that could raise prompting I knew would be hard to let anger go pass But to complete and feel live... Continue Reading →

What if I say

WHAT IF I SAY The comfy pillows under your head make blessing that you get all go vain. The sky, the dreams, the benefits upto brims, Are illusionary, just a part, of upcoming wring. The tide, and the pitch that you have hold within. Won't get you the reign, that you pleasantly deem. WHAT IF... Continue Reading →

रास्ते मंजिल और जाने क्या

रास्ते मंजिल और जाने क्या छोड़ आए हैं हम न जाने कहाँ है वास्ता खुदी से ना किसी से यारी चल रहे हैं हम हो दुखी संसारी है पता कि गम है बाँटते नहीं हैं खुद में हो परेशान वजह जाँचते नहीं हैं क्षण भर की छाँव को समझते अपनी चादर गागर भर की चाह... Continue Reading →

Ticky tick tack

Hi there friends, I guess its been long that tried writing a song. Haha... never knew if it were that good or not, but reciting each of them gave me good melody. Hey if you're are new, don't miss out this section 👇 Songs by me or just a rhyming Till then, just go... Ticky... Continue Reading →

कुछ रास्ते ऐसे

कुछ रास्ते ऐसे कहीं दूर के लगते थे, कुछ किरणों में सिमटकर बस यूँहीं हासिल हुएं। कुछ मंजिलें वैसे कहीं ख्वाब से लगते थे, कुछ कंकडों में मिलकर नजदीक मालूम हुएं। कुछ तारे ऐसे टिमटिमाते थे हमेशा, कहीं दूर कुछ बातें, किया करते तो थे। कुछ रातें सुबह तक, ढल जाया करती थी, फिर बाते... Continue Reading →

Living existence

Living matters, When you have those connections. To the young and the youthful elders. Living matters, When you have a caring heart. To love and also with bluffing parts. Living matters, When you have that fun. To cross fingers and master to indulge. When you are alone, Can't define your being. The bonds we make,... Continue Reading →

Fatherly fainting

Oh my lord! What a lovely son. Thank you God for giving me turn. Wish me best that I be just able. The things I could not, afford for him. I forgot my pain in smile of his. The finger he touched, made me bliss. I promise you lord that I'll do my best. I... Continue Reading →

Do you work!

What do we work for! Just three Seasons. security, success and satisfaction. security of respect and security of earning. can make you think to achieve all fraction. it's also the same one fears of loosing. it keeps itself in his mind closed burning. you got to give best like blessings that's hidden. intentionally picked in... Continue Reading →

Raining gift

Omg, it's raining. Can't express that animating. The voices with those drops, had healing with each splashing. The feelings get me thrilled. Some say, would get ill. Few minded not to join, Won't ask who don't mind. It's life, it's a choice. Alive or some disguise. You can say them insane, diversities long to hoist.... Continue Reading →

Memos, to get renewed

Ok I'm okay, just done of it. Just yelling out all, everything through this. I was silly and shy and was a fool. Always did know, but tried all hoops. I lacked communication and got to get overprice. People were so busy that they never did mind. It was pretty cool day. Some holy fool... Continue Reading →

From me

Hey buddy, how are you? You seem sad, what happened to you? Couldn't see, in last few years. Had assumed, prodigious you were. Did something wrong, you gone through. Hey buddy, how are you? Well, you could talk. I was there. Don't be just mock, now tell me dear. You can let out what troubles... Continue Reading →

scrupled bliss

poem is about uncertainties or hesitation of minds. In life, I guess all of us had many hesitations so far, like as talking to someone, or doubts on self or people, but should it stop us, I wish not.

Seeking glad

Born a boy, successor of genes. Apple of eyes, pleasing grins. Early ages, full of joy. Day and nights, full of whys. Trainings, learnings, decisions made. Yes a magnate, no need consent. Houses change, and also the rents. Feelings never, made in days. Members opine, perceptions create. Serving or self, no chance to make. Family... Continue Reading →

Night is falling

The night is not falling, And i keep scrolling, No matter, no matter how long I'm awake. The way now I'm talking, without someone mocking, feels like, feels like i ain't ever missed, even by mistake. yeah..... feels like i ain't missed by anyone. the people are gone..... why don't..... the memories begone.... the mysterious... Continue Reading →

Liebster award

Thanks to Ayesha siddiqui for nominating me for Liebster Award, it is my third liebster award but it really means a lot to me. Thanks Ayesha. Whoever wants to learn digital marketing can contact her on her blog Bloggingfilter. She is really well focused to her goals and a lot helping. She also found out... Continue Reading →

Sunshine Blogger Award

I have been nominated by Daneelyunus for Sunshine Blogger Award. He is the most versatile blogger I've ever seen. I'm thankful to sir for nominating me this amazing award and all my followers who support my writing. Well, this is my second Sunshine Blogger Award. You all should take a look at his blogs daneelyunus.com... Continue Reading →

Krishna : Sidlack poem

Today's about Sidlak: A five line poem composed of 3-5-7-9 syllables and the last line (without restrictions on syllables) indicates a colour that sums up the authors’ feelings and the spirit of the poem. Memories do fade, Some lights leave unheard. Hopeless seeking eyes do wait. To get worth in search of self in world,... Continue Reading →

Don’t hurry rame 🌱

All this fame, creating name, will just go, somehow...at end. All this game, believing not shame, can't tell you, you're being little framed. Can't that happen! Yes, why would to you? Never done bad, even with raccoon. Don't do believe, don't believe me. Only, it's up-to you. You're gonna get change. All this fame, creating... Continue Reading →

आँसू बह जाने दो

आँसू बह जाने दो कि किसकी ख़ातिर इन्हें रोका है? क्या कसूर हैं इनका? क्यों हँसकर किया धोखा है? बात क्या है, इन्हें बताओ। क्या है गम, इन्हें समझाओ। क्यूँ हो करते ज़ुल्म तुम इनपे आख़िर, इनकी क्या खता है? खुद में खोए रहते हो। सबकी क्यों तुम सुनते हो। बात गर उल्टी लगती ये,... Continue Reading →

woman, rolled her part

Like a mate, pondered fate. Keeping an eye, rolled her part. But never knew, was just for us. To defend the harsh of outer wards. Like a friend always cared. Threatening voices rolled her part. But never knew, was making mistakes. Disheartened mostly with believe unbarred. Like a firefly, wandered sky. diminishing hearts rolled her... Continue Reading →

The way, I believe in

Featured image by Aaron pace Today, It's about Bouts-rimes:🌱 I got to know, this is the form we mostly use so long. Bouts-ris is French for "rhymed ends".👌 But there is difference that there are two people like completing each other's sentence with a similar rhymes at the end of lines.😮 Also I tried here... Continue Reading →

Will grace back

Featured image by Snapwire Today's NaPoWriMo was: a challenge to write a poem about something that returns. Today I tried Acrostic form of poem, for those who don't know as I didn't before: acrostic is a poem in which the first letters of the lines, read downwards, form a word, phrase, or sentence. Enjoy....💕 OH... Continue Reading →

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