Stop consuming everything

As the day starts, what's the first thing that you do? Well, I hadn't thought much earlier. But found that before going to sleep and after I wake up, the first thing I did was using my mobile. Mostly I guess, it's been a habit of all whoever is bored of this extra corona time... Continue Reading →

Used to have enthusiasm. But shortly don't have. Meet someone, but to whom should've. Go around but where? Call someone, who cares? When the peace of mind Drained, right? Drained up like dried. The hope disguise. As lacking some things, To revive. The problems or dares, Are yet to assimilate. The kind of life we... Continue Reading →

कोई यह नहीं समझता

कि आपको इस वक्त क्या चाहिए क्या आपको किसी अपने का साथ चाहिए क्या आपको खुद का आत्मविश्वास चाहिए कोई ये नहीं समझ सकता सिवाये आपके कि आपको इस वक्त क्या चाहिए आपको इस गुजरते पल का एहसास चाहिए आपको अपने धड़कन की आवाज चाहिए जिंदगी जिंदा बची है अभी आपमें जीने की वजह, हाँ... Continue Reading →

What if I say

WHAT IF I SAY The comfy pillows under your head make blessing that you get all go vain. The sky, the dreams, the benefits upto brims, Are illusionary, just a part, of upcoming wring. The tide, and the pitch that you have hold within. Won't get you the reign, that you pleasantly deem. WHAT IF... Continue Reading →

रास्ते मंजिल और जाने क्या

रास्ते मंजिल और जाने क्या छोड़ आए हैं हम न जाने कहाँ है वास्ता खुदी से ना किसी से यारी चल रहे हैं हम हो दुखी संसारी है पता कि गम है बाँटते नहीं हैं खुद में हो परेशान वजह जाँचते नहीं हैं क्षण भर की छाँव को समझते अपनी चादर गागर भर की चाह... Continue Reading →


The days have passed, the bond got loose. the memories in minds, holding.. very fews. The trust isn't broke, the connections are alive. nurturing voices in ears, do really passing by. The sights are different, the people are not. the eyes been trapped.... by tangible false. I cast, they see. the fake mystery. the smiles... Continue Reading →

A world without human

Well I'm a human, and so we all are. Are you not? Well, who am I kidding! If you can read and understand what I've written you are. We, human have evolved through our discovereries, needs and their relevant invention. We think, we feel, we can do many things. We can control the uncontrollables too... Continue Reading →

Do you work!

What do we work for! Just three Seasons. security, success and satisfaction. security of respect and security of earning. can make you think to achieve all fraction. it's also the same one fears of loosing. it keeps itself in his mind closed burning. you got to give best like blessings that's hidden. intentionally picked in... Continue Reading →

My first Food award 😚

Well I don't know why this award,😆 and what were the thoughts behind creating it. Maybe Shreya is a good foody. 😜Hey Shreya, are you? Well she is completely a sweetest🤗 person you can get around. So far if I remember I have cooked Maggie, macaroni, sandwich and Lady finger vegetable.😂😂😅. But as I have... Continue Reading →

Who am I

In between ups, in between downs, hanging in between like a monkey, not a clown. want to gather it all, those fames with relations. But can't get it done, like I lost touch of emotions. laying on bed, i think all day. I shouldn't be thinking, but it has been my way. i forget mostly... Continue Reading →

दोस्ती : शायरी

सबके साथ ना खेलो,खिलाडी कई हैं मैदान में।एक दोस्त बनाओ सच्चा,जो पहचाने तुम्हें हजार में।कुछ अजनबी अपनों से हैकुछ अपनें अजनबी से हो गएएक वक्त था, बिन कहे सब जानते थेअब तो मिलकर भी,बस गुफ्तगू से हो गएतुम वो हो, तुम वो नहींतुम हो साथ, पर साथी नहींतुमसे है विश्वास, हमें खुद परतुम हो हम... Continue Reading →

Memos, to get renewed

Ok I'm okay, just done of it. Just yelling out all, everything through this. I was silly and shy and was a fool. Always did know, but tried all hoops. I lacked communication and got to get overprice. People were so busy that they never did mind. It was pretty cool day. Some holy fool... Continue Reading →

Lost mystiques

Visualization of the years that he passed in tears. The math of the plan should've made his path. But the time he took ,carried to this decision. The journey was never his yearning. Worried they were and so was he. The plutonian futures couldn't lead. The problem had a serious solution. But no one capable... Continue Reading →

Kennedy Registered Award Of Excellence

Last night, came to big surprise for me. I received Kennedy Registered Award Of Excellence from miss Aarzu. First, I was amazed with the thought if it was really an registered one. I was so happy that actually forgot completely to congratulate her. So congratulations Aarzu for getting selected in first nominations in such award.... Continue Reading →

scrupled bliss

poem is about uncertainties or hesitation of minds. In life, I guess all of us had many hesitations so far, like as talking to someone, or doubts on self or people, but should it stop us, I wish not.

Seeking glad

Born a boy, successor of genes. Apple of eyes, pleasing grins. Early ages, full of joy. Day and nights, full of whys. Trainings, learnings, decisions made. Yes a magnate, no need consent. Houses change, and also the rents. Feelings never, made in days. Members opine, perceptions create. Serving or self, no chance to make. Family... Continue Reading →

Liebster award

Thanks to Ayesha siddiqui for nominating me for Liebster Award, it is my third liebster award but it really means a lot to me. Thanks Ayesha. Whoever wants to learn digital marketing can contact her on her blog Bloggingfilter. She is really well focused to her goals and a lot helping. She also found out... Continue Reading →

Sunshine Blogger Award

I have been nominated by Daneelyunus for Sunshine Blogger Award. He is the most versatile blogger I've ever seen. I'm thankful to sir for nominating me this amazing award and all my followers who support my writing. Well, this is my second Sunshine Blogger Award. You all should take a look at his blogs Continue Reading →

Krishna : Sidlack poem

Today's about Sidlak: A five line poem composed of 3-5-7-9 syllables and the last line (without restrictions on syllables) indicates a colour that sums up the authors’ feelings and the spirit of the poem. Memories do fade, Some lights leave unheard. Hopeless seeking eyes do wait. To get worth in search of self in world,... Continue Reading →

Firstly sorry for being this late, had completely forgot about this one. J had nominated me for this award atleast a weak ago. So without being late I want to introduce you to J. She is really a nice blogger and I admire her work so much. If you don't believe and want to know... Continue Reading →

My first Sunshine Blogger Award

The beautiful rays of The Sunshine Blogger Award hits finally. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much Shreya for nominating me it was my first such kind of award. You are really amazingly wonderfully experimenting with your poetries through emotions. Hey guys if you have heard about her previously, it's not a... Continue Reading →

Don’t hurry rame 🌱

All this fame, creating name, will just go, end. All this game, believing not shame, can't tell you, you're being little framed. Can't that happen! Yes, why would to you? Never done bad, even with raccoon. Don't do believe, don't believe me. Only, it's up-to you. You're gonna get change. All this fame, creating... Continue Reading →

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