
बात भी नहीं होती हैंफिर भी कोशिश करते हैंबात करने की याद भी नहीं होती हैफिर भी कोशिश करते हैंयाद होने की दिखावेहम यूँ ही नहीं करतेकरने पड़ जाते हैं साथछूटेगा कहीं, ये सोचने से पहलेशायद हम ही छूट जाते हैं कहीं। -ऋषभ कुमार


बहम मेरेखुद पे थेबात बयाँहुए लब से सवाल मेरे,खुद से थेजानने जितनाहुए जब से करम मेरेखुद के थेकाम क्याहुए सब से जवाब मेरेखुद में थेखुद खुद्दारहुए तब से -ऋषभ कुमार@myjoopress#poem #कविता https://myjoopress.wordpress.com/

कोई यह नहीं समझता

कि आपको इस वक्त क्या चाहिए क्या आपको किसी अपने का साथ चाहिए क्या आपको खुद का आत्मविश्वास चाहिए कोई ये नहीं समझ सकता सिवाये आपके कि आपको इस वक्त क्या चाहिए आपको इस गुजरते पल का एहसास चाहिए आपको अपने धड़कन की आवाज चाहिए जिंदगी जिंदा बची है अभी आपमें जीने की वजह, हाँ... Continue Reading →

What if I say

WHAT IF I SAY The comfy pillows under your head make blessing that you get all go vain. The sky, the dreams, the benefits upto brims, Are illusionary, just a part, of upcoming wring. The tide, and the pitch that you have hold within. Won't get you the reign, that you pleasantly deem. WHAT IF... Continue Reading →

Ticky tick tack

Hi there friends, I guess its been long that tried writing a song. Haha... never knew if it were that good or not, but reciting each of them gave me good melody. Hey if you're are new, don't miss out this section 👇 Songs by me or just a rhyming Till then, just go... Ticky... Continue Reading →

Let your feelings flow

Feelings. Let us let it flow. Let it just flow in our words. Let it gather all it's noise. Let it not cage any thoughts. Let it just blow blue skies. Let it not hold anything back. Let it be our true insight. Let it not bind with music. Let it be free as vibe.... Continue Reading →

Living existence

Living matters, When you have those connections. To the young and the youthful elders. Living matters, When you have a caring heart. To love and also with bluffing parts. Living matters, When you have that fun. To cross fingers and master to indulge. When you are alone, Can't define your being. The bonds we make,... Continue Reading →

दोस्ती : शायरी

सबके साथ ना खेलो,खिलाडी कई हैं मैदान में।एक दोस्त बनाओ सच्चा,जो पहचाने तुम्हें हजार में।कुछ अजनबी अपनों से हैकुछ अपनें अजनबी से हो गएएक वक्त था, बिन कहे सब जानते थेअब तो मिलकर भी,बस गुफ्तगू से हो गएतुम वो हो, तुम वो नहींतुम हो साथ, पर साथी नहींतुमसे है विश्वास, हमें खुद परतुम हो हम... Continue Reading →

scrupled bliss

poem is about uncertainties or hesitation of minds. In life, I guess all of us had many hesitations so far, like as talking to someone, or doubts on self or people, but should it stop us, I wish not.

Night is falling

The night is not falling, And i keep scrolling, No matter, no matter how long I'm awake. The way now I'm talking, without someone mocking, feels like, feels like i ain't ever missed, even by mistake. yeah..... feels like i ain't missed by anyone. the people are gone..... why don't..... the memories begone.... the mysterious... Continue Reading →

आँसू बह जाने दो

आँसू बह जाने दो कि किसकी ख़ातिर इन्हें रोका है? क्या कसूर हैं इनका? क्यों हँसकर किया धोखा है? बात क्या है, इन्हें बताओ। क्या है गम, इन्हें समझाओ। क्यूँ हो करते ज़ुल्म तुम इनपे आख़िर, इनकी क्या खता है? खुद में खोए रहते हो। सबकी क्यों तुम सुनते हो। बात गर उल्टी लगती ये,... Continue Reading →

may be

A few exaggerates. Sorry, if making mistake. Some said it was necessary, to remain inside gates. For majors it was framing, for girls to decrepitate. But was it really essential, to divide in such frames. Domicile can be cheery, days can shine. They could shake it long. could make things lustrous, without holding mind. Did... Continue Reading →

यूँहीं ख़याल हैं #quote

यूँही उडने के ख़याल हैं, जहाज छोटी है तो क्या? सुना है ना! हौसलों से ही उडान है। यूँ तो चलने पर भी सवाल हैं, पर क्या हुआ? घबराना नहीं, मंजिल तेरा, ये सारा आसमान हैं। THE SKY IS LIMIT, YET NIGHT AT DOOR? YOU CAN DO IT ONLY, IF YOU CRAVE FOR MORE. Hey... Continue Reading →

Memories bestowed

I know we started to carry all pebbles. Yes, we had to go out in the woods, but had got stuck with this solace. Mind not me, just see some news. So what did happen, can't bare it now? It's good for us, can't do little vow? It gave us views in deluded surround. To... Continue Reading →


Tring Tring telephone,Bring back those posts.Missing those gossip nightsunder tree hosts.What a time those werecycle, songs, raw roads.Nature lost beauty,Was that really hard core?No calls, just meetings.All day just waitings.No games of lie traces,hearts matched with faces.Parties or marriages,Household, full services.Unity never loosed.Never asked to boozed.Modern we got,yet lost pre-thoughts.Do and Die was ever,Learnt to... Continue Reading →

Glory Flory

what takes you too long wishing for a fragrance glimpse and sites in mind why not take, some flower's grace Astrea's Aster replaced through eyes Charmed with patience, wit symbolize Devoted purity, sensitive love star of Venus, serpents savor African crane, bird of paradise Thoughtful Globe, romantic joyous A little toxic as compassionate love Banana... Continue Reading →

Dreams of oceans

For once I had an ocean,full of beautiful dreams.star fishes and mermaids therewere all favorite scenes.Now it is like, we are searchingeach side of the mysterythe life getting bluredit's free in some history.Oh ho Oo,It can't be really surewhat made it really gone,It's just like any other daythat moved really with haste.Wasn't It really green?yet... Continue Reading →

Eeither they, or did I

Today it is about a poem that might have changed you into something that you never wanted. You would try to forget it but can't, cause it made you learn many things about life, that not everyone is your friend. Yes, you would know that it is the thing that made you what you are... Continue Reading →

जब बाते करनी हो

जब बाते करनी हो, बता देना। जब मिलना हो, दुआ करना। कुछ किस्से हो तो, सुना देना। कुछ किस्से हमारे भी, सुन लेना। कुछ किस्से, कहीं छूटे हैं। उन हिस्सों को, जी ले तू। कुछ पल, मिले हैं अभी। इन पलों में, रह ले तू। कुछ इरादे कभी किए थे तूने। उन इरादों को हकीकत... Continue Reading →

Nature’s halt

Out of words, Full of views. The day that passed, in last some few. Isn't that a act of keeping balance! Mind not me, just see the news. First the forests, then the world. Isn't it the time, to give back pearls. Quarantine, was it really needed, To stop, think and incase truths! Flouting was... Continue Reading →

Should we not be worried!!

Recently, past few days made all of us realise where we are standing over the surface. It wasn't like we didn't know the consequences, we did. We had a glimpse in our mind about what could possibly happen. Many things came to our mind, like does it matter, why just me, what changes will I... Continue Reading →

Creator, are you?

Either you create or be just a part of someone's creation.You haven't got any other options. What are you gonna do now? Well you got two options. Either be in isolation or explore yourself. Yes, you don't have to search much of it outside. It is within, hidden, just for the right time. It's upto... Continue Reading →

भूलना आस़ान है क्या

क्यूँ चाहते हो भूल जाना हमें? क्यूँ,मिलने की अब दुआ भी नहीं करते? क्या यहीं तक था साथ हमारा? क्या, इतनी ही थी वफा हमारी? उफ, हमारी? अब इतनी तो चाहत नहीं। क्या कहा? जरूरत के थे हम साथी! शायद सच ही है, कि ना जाने क्यूँ हम, पागल से थे। जानते थे, बस एक... Continue Reading →

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