Don’t die

You won't die trying. You can die living the life you hate. May you guys have heard this quote earlier or felt its depth. It's not just life. It's not just days. ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ It isn't all the lies. It isn't all the ways. ❣ ❣... Continue Reading →

कुछ रास्ते ऐसे

कुछ रास्ते ऐसे कहीं दूर के लगते थे, कुछ किरणों में सिमटकर बस यूँहीं हासिल हुएं। कुछ मंजिलें वैसे कहीं ख्वाब से लगते थे, कुछ कंकडों में मिलकर नजदीक मालूम हुएं। कुछ तारे ऐसे टिमटिमाते थे हमेशा, कहीं दूर कुछ बातें, किया करते तो थे। कुछ रातें सुबह तक, ढल जाया करती थी, फिर बाते... Continue Reading →

Let your feelings flow

Feelings. Let us let it flow. Let it just flow in our words. Let it gather all it's noise. Let it not cage any thoughts. Let it just blow blue skies. Let it not hold anything back. Let it be our true insight. Let it not bind with music. Let it be free as vibe.... Continue Reading →

इंसानी अहं

आम नहीं, मैं खास हूँ अपने दिल की मैं आवाज़ हूँ कुछ साथ हूँ, कुछ राज हूँ बेताब मैं जज़्बात हूँ मैं याद मैं ही भूल भी मैं हँसी हूँ, मैं ही दुःख कहीं मैं कौन हूँ, मुझे है खबर मैं सार हूँ, मैं हूँ शहर मैं गाँव भी, मैं हूँ गली मैं हर जगह,... Continue Reading →

inner conflicts

No excuses you clumsy, eagerly wild.Aren't you new? Untrained, unhired!What's your matter, why don't you run!Don't you see, it's not your turn.You will be broke, you will be torn.See your legs, already shivered.Ha ha ha, you are now lame.You can't win me.You are not brave.Brave! Brave!Am i not that?Who are you mister! who gave you... Continue Reading →


The days have passed, the bond got loose. the memories in minds, holding.. very fews. The trust isn't broke, the connections are alive. nurturing voices in ears, do really passing by. The sights are different, the people are not. the eyes been trapped.... by tangible false. I cast, they see. the fake mystery. the smiles... Continue Reading →

Do you work!

What do we work for! Just three Seasons. security, success and satisfaction. security of respect and security of earning. can make you think to achieve all fraction. it's also the same one fears of loosing. it keeps itself in his mind closed burning. you got to give best like blessings that's hidden. intentionally picked in... Continue Reading →

Raining gift

Omg, it's raining. Can't express that animating. The voices with those drops, had healing with each splashing. The feelings get me thrilled. Some say, would get ill. Few minded not to join, Won't ask who don't mind. It's life, it's a choice. Alive or some disguise. You can say them insane, diversities long to hoist.... Continue Reading →

Memos, to get renewed

Ok I'm okay, just done of it. Just yelling out all, everything through this. I was silly and shy and was a fool. Always did know, but tried all hoops. I lacked communication and got to get overprice. People were so busy that they never did mind. It was pretty cool day. Some holy fool... Continue Reading →

From me

Hey buddy, how are you? You seem sad, what happened to you? Couldn't see, in last few years. Had assumed, prodigious you were. Did something wrong, you gone through. Hey buddy, how are you? Well, you could talk. I was there. Don't be just mock, now tell me dear. You can let out what troubles... Continue Reading →

scrupled bliss

poem is about uncertainties or hesitation of minds. In life, I guess all of us had many hesitations so far, like as talking to someone, or doubts on self or people, but should it stop us, I wish not.

Night is falling

The night is not falling, And i keep scrolling, No matter, no matter how long I'm awake. The way now I'm talking, without someone mocking, feels like, feels like i ain't ever missed, even by mistake. yeah..... feels like i ain't missed by anyone. the people are gone..... why don't..... the memories begone.... the mysterious... Continue Reading →

Don’t hurry rame 🌱

All this fame, creating name, will just go, end. All this game, believing not shame, can't tell you, you're being little framed. Can't that happen! Yes, why would to you? Never done bad, even with raccoon. Don't do believe, don't believe me. Only, it's up-to you. You're gonna get change. All this fame, creating... Continue Reading →

क्या लिखूँ, क्या लिखूँ, क्या लिखूँ,

क्या लिखूँ, क्या लिखूँ, क्या लिखूँ, निशब्द सा हूँ मैं लग रहा बाते तो हैं कई, पर दिल है कहीं गुम सा खयाल है कम, किसी सोच में हूँ मैं खोया ना जाने क्यों, ना जाने कहाँ सजाना, सवारना, फिर लिखकर कुछ उतारना सजाना, सवारना, फिर लिखकर कुछ उतारना खुद में सोच फिर, क्या सही,... Continue Reading →

Develop your success story

Featured image by Jeshoots This post is just a reminder to everyone including me. If we want to do major things, we got to focus on the minor things first. -unknown Developing our own success story is must, for our success. If we see Ramayana, the story connects to us that's why people see it.... Continue Reading →

Will grace back

Featured image by Snapwire Today's NaPoWriMo was: a challenge to write a poem about something that returns. Today I tried Acrostic form of poem, for those who don't know as I didn't before: acrostic is a poem in which the first letters of the lines, read downwards, form a word, phrase, or sentence. Enjoy....💕 OH... Continue Reading →

You did? #NaPoWriMo

It starts with a quench, and turns into wrench. The sky, the tide, the blue and the highs. Won't it matter to hollow? rather living in solo. The sour, the sweets, the bitter ,the wits. You can be what you want, but not so to scar. You can hide if you need, it's not everyone's... Continue Reading →

Why is the

Some rhymes. Depression does not look like you staying in bed all day, Depression can look like you doing everything you normally do,carrying around a constant feeling of emptiness and the urge to escape from the word, even just for a minute, because it feels too much. Why waste time being sad, when you can... Continue Reading →

So why not, today we

So why not, today we,get together and make everything pretty.Oh, just get a variant fantasy.So why not, today we,take time to care what we desired in history!Oh, just get a variant fantasy.Such, marvelous leisure that we got in these,Such, enthralling memories we've made in these.Isn't it, the days we missed,So why not live it today.So... Continue Reading →

मैं तेरा, बिछडा एक ख़्वाब हूँ।

Here is my thoughts during this quarantine sometimes, when I search deep sometimes, something within. मैं तेरा बिछडा एक ख़्वाब हूँ। सुना है, आजकल, तू रहता है शून्य। सुना है, आजकल, तू रहता है शून्य। तेरे साथ लेके तुझे तुझसे ही पार करने को तैयार हूँ। मैं तेरा, बिछडा एक ख़्वाब हूँ। तू ना चाहे... Continue Reading →

Nature’s halt

Out of words, Full of views. The day that passed, in last some few. Isn't that a act of keeping balance! Mind not me, just see the news. First the forests, then the world. Isn't it the time, to give back pearls. Quarantine, was it really needed, To stop, think and incase truths! Flouting was... Continue Reading →

Should we not be worried!!

Recently, past few days made all of us realise where we are standing over the surface. It wasn't like we didn't know the consequences, we did. We had a glimpse in our mind about what could possibly happen. Many things came to our mind, like does it matter, why just me, what changes will I... Continue Reading →

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